Cold Sore Remedy

Are you in need of a Cold Sore Remedy?  Well I was up until recently!  As long as I could remember I had constantly suffered from cold sores.  They were really annoying and appeared at all the wrong times.  Why is it that when friends are coming over or I had an important engagement that they seem to appear as if they know?  I was becoming despondent and my esteem was at an all time low.  Finally and thankfully, enough was enough and I decided to do something about it and look for a cold sore remedy.


What I wanted to know was why I was getting these cold sores and what could be done about it.  Was there a long term cold sore remedy out there that would work for me? I was sick of spending money on drugs that were supposed to get rid of them, but never really got rid of them satisfactorily.  I was throwing money down the drain again and again, and the route cause of the problems was not being addressed.  I needed to find a cold sore remedy that worked long term. 

All too often I would feel a tingling on my lip and I would be able to feel a small hard spot but not be able to see it yet. Then, sure enough in a few days, red blisters would appear on my lip. Here they are again and they hurt too!   What I needed was a cold sore remedy that would free me of this embarrassment.

But what are they?

Well they are small blisters that fill with liquid that from on your lips, they are red so obvious to all and can be quite painful.  The usual duration is up to 10 days, that’s right, 10 days of hiding you face and feeling unsightly.

Did you know that certain strains of the Herpes virus cause cold sore?  You can get cold sores from other people through kissing, sharing utensils or even towels can spread the infection.  And remember you can spread them as well as catch them!

Once you have had cold sores, the virus lies dormant in the nerve cells in your skin and can flare up at any time in the same place or close to the original site of infection.

This does not sound like something I wanted to live with, I needed a cold sore remedy that was going to last and combat it without all these drugs which were having little or no effect.

Well I am glad to say that I did find a cold sore remedy that worked and is still working to this day.  And the unbelievable thing is that after I took the advice it only took three days to be cold sore free.  That’s right; the cold sore remedy got rid of them faster than I could believe.  I woke up on day three of the new treatment and was shocked but very happy to see there was no redness and they had completely gone.

You too can find out this advice (advice I use to this day) and thankfully it is simple and quick.  I overcame my condition so quickly I was astounded!

I am happy to say this cold sore remedy is working to this day, and my self esteem is now at an all time high.  I do not worry about repeat infections and can plan ahead with confidence.  My fiends have even noticed my gain in confidence too!

I recommend others who have found my story of interest to try the same solution I did.  However I am sure there are other ways to overcome this condition, but only if you are happy to start taking costly drugs that will not tackle the cause and will not eliminate them forever.

I hope you find a cold sore remedy that works for you, do not suffer in silence, address the problem and gain confidence doing so.  You will feel great relief and improve your self-assurance, so find a cold sore remedy that works for you today!